Saturday, November 10, 2012

Indian Summer

 We have had a magnificent October, an Indian Summer with crisp fresh mornings, warm summer-like evenings, it is no wonder that we have been lulled into believing that summer is still with us. A quick trip around the Davis Farmer's Market last Saturday gave a few hints that change is in the air!

                                        And look at the size of these pomegranetes! Huge!

But even with these changes coming about, I can't help by try to linger on the warmth of the summer shedding its last glow. We still can find beautiful peppers in all colors, peperoni di tutti i colori, melanzane - eggplants, the very last of them.......I even bought the last of the cranberry beans and grabbed a pound of romanos. I am having a hard time letting go of the beautiful bounty the summer has provided. In celebration of the season, thought I might tarry a bit on this last fantasia of the summer.

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